Disclaimer: I am no Python expert so if anyone has a better solution then let me know.
I was writing a script that would retrieve a byte string from a C library and copy it to a python string object. I wanted to take those bytes and put them into a Python string object.
Per the ctypes documentation, setting the restype of the function to c_char_p would have simply returned a null-terminated string; a c_void_p is needed instead.
Sample C Function
extern "C" char* createBuffer(int* numBytes){
char* myArray = new char[10000];
//I'm just using memset to set the data.
//Of course your function will fill this array some other way
memset(myArray, 0, 10000);
*numBytes = 10000;
return myArray;
Python Code
from ctypes import *
libMyCLib = cdll.LoadLibrary('libMyCLib.so')
createBufferFunc = libMyCLib.createBuffer
createBufferFunc.restype = c_void_p
bufLen = c_int()
bufferPtr = createBufferFunc(byref(bufLen))
stringBuffer = create_string_buffer(bufLen.value)
memmove(stringBuffer, bufferPtr, bufLen.value)
bufferDataStr = stringBuffer[:]
#bufferDataStr is the python string object containing the buffer data
#bufferDataStr is the python string object containing the buffer data
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